Freitag, 30. Juni 2017


After we spend a whole day in Còrdoba and we went back to Madrid arround 11:00 o'clock in the evening we were very tired the next morning as we had to go to the train station to go to Sevilla.
Of course we were very excited for Sevilla but I slept almost the half time of the ride to Sevilla as I was so exhausted from the last day. I almost felt like I have been a little bit hangover but without any drinks.

After almost 3 hours we arrived in Sevilla. In Sevilla the main train station is also about 1 km away from the historic city center so we had to walk a little bit until we saw some really nice spots of Sevilla.
Instead of Còrdoba we heard a lot of Sevilla and our expectation were because of that also high. I think I was so suprised by Còrdoba so that I loved the city a little bit more but Sevilla is also just stunning and has some beautiful places.

Also here you can see how the architecture change when you walk more inside the city and I think this is always so interesting. But the building itself remindes me more of Madrid but the colour theme is stronger I think. We also just walked to the "middle" of Seville to decide there were want to go first.

I really love these ceramik decoractions which some of the building had - expectly on the churches there were some.

Plaza Nueva

The middle of Seville was marked by the Plaza Nueva so we direcly walked to it and we did not regret it.

San Fernando

On the Plaza Nueva you can find the statue of San Fernando which is a very beautiful monument and also a good sitting aera as you can see.

Edificio La Adriatica

One of the most stunning and interesting buildings I have seen so far was thEdificio La Adriatica which I will never pronounce correctly so I do not even try to. The building itself is only breath taking but also in it there is this beautiful bakery which is just a dream.

Cathedral of Seville

The Cathedral of Seville is also such a stunning building which sticked out next to the typical Seville buildings. But I have to say for me every building was just amazing so therefore everything sticked out for me.

We walked arround until we were really hungry but the restaurant in which we have eaten was really bad so I did not take any pictures and also did not notice the name of it. So after that sadly lunch we really wanted to go to a garden as it slowly went really hot in Seville.

Plaza de España

We decided to go to the Jardin de los Leones and the first thing we have seen just took our breath away. The Plaza de España is a stunning artwork of ceramic and bricks as you can see below:

Jardin de los Leones

Afterwards we strolled arround the Jardin de los Leones and just enjoyed the beautiful day and these amazing plants and garden architecture.

I definately could recomand the Jardin de los Leones as it was just beautiful!
After we had seen the whole garden we walked back in direction of the Cathedral of Seville for some ice cream.


We found this amazing place called Amorino which selled ice cream in a shape of a rose. So just everything what you could wish for.

Afterwards we decide to just walk trough the old part of Seville and discover some hidden places.

Also there were some buildings which reminded me a lot of Córdoba es well like the building below:

As we walked arround we found some amazing buildings and I fell in love with Seville even more.

Also I found my dream building which is just goals:

So we walked arround until it was time to go back to the train station. But it was a wonderfull day in Seville even we were very tired.

So if you ever go to Sevilla I really suggest you to walk arround and discover all the little alleys which hide some amazing buildings and also to go to this amazing garden Jardin de los Leones. In my opinion it was a very beautiful city and I did not regret it at all to have seen it. So the very stressfull day in Madrid at the train station was totaly worth it!

I wish you all a lovely day and much fun while reading this post. I hope you liked it! :-)

Much love from Zurich,

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